Top DaaS Providers in 2020

 Top DaaS Providers in 2020

What is DaaS?

DaaS or Desktop as a Service is a virtual desktop infrastructure, which is hosted in the cloud and is usually paid by the users as a subscription service. DaaS solutions are used as multi-tenancy architecture, which hosts the single application and is delivered to the multiple users, or “tenants.” The third-party service provider then assumes the responsibility for managing the overall structure and content of the desktop infrastructure and service. 

Features and benefits of DaaS

DaaS seems to be an attractive solution to many companies that reduces the need for managing their own hardware, either on the on-premise data center or at the same collocation. DaaS solutions provide benefits in several ways including a wide range of patch management and software updates, quicker migrations, swift new user provisioning, disaster planning, security, and also recovery. The capital expenses for managing hardware are not required in the case of Desktop-as-a-service. However, the operational expenses are much required to run the virtual desktop. Moreover, the benefits of DaaS include accessibility of corporate applications and data in a wide range on the go in BYOD (bring-your-own-device) devices using internet connection. 

As per Gartner’s survey report in 2018, DaaS adoption was lower than that of VDI adoption among large organizations. However, they also assumed the prediction about DaaS adoption. Gartner’s assumption on Desktop-as-a-Service portrays that by 2019, 50% of VDI users will be deployed on DaaS platforms.

Source: Gartner

Top DaaS providers in 2020

Among the DaaS providers in 2020, the top brands include as follows:

  • Amazon Web Services – WorkSpaces, 
  • Citrix – Managed Desktops, 
  • Cloudalize – Desktop-as-a-Service, 
  • dinCloud – dinWorkspace, 
  • Evolve IP, 
  • Microsoft – Windows Virtual Desktop and 
  • MTM Technologies – Anywhere App

You can know more about these providers by visiting their official website. DaaS is a cost-effective method for companies that also facilitates employees to access data anywhere on any device. Apart from controlling capital expenses and other costs, DaaS enhances scalability, flexibility, business continuity, and security.



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