Why MadCap Flare is a Game-Changer for Technical Documentation?

 Why MadCap Flare is a Game-Changer for Technical Documentation?

Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 initiatives lead to a change from conventional software to cloud-based software. As per Gartner’s Forecast, the Cloud Services industry will grow exponentially through 2022. The projections for the worldwide cloud services market indicate growth around 17.5 percent in 2019 to total $214.3 billion. According to Gartner’s report, increasing adoption of cloud-first strategies in organizations influence service providers.

Current Scenario

A major change that appears with Industry 4.0 is the transformation from products to services. Organizations deliver their products/services on a subscription-based model and demand technical content delivery as dynamic and effective. The evolution of Industry 4.0 demands variation in technical documentation. This scenario drives organizations to shift conventional documentation software to cloud-based platform for the technical documentation. Technical Documentation involves conversion of specifications of a product or service to a meaningful end user document leveraging technical documentation software to develop user guide, troubleshooting manual, training guide, and other documents. The technical documentation satisfies the needs of the end users and enriches the user experience.

Firms across several domains demand qualities such as modernization, security, agile-based, consistency, multi-channel content authoring, and integration with technical support tools, localization, and translation in their technical documentation tool for implementation. However, they fail to seek tool with such qualities for their apt requirements. There are companies, which still stores stacks of physical, legacy documents with no proper maintenance and management solutions. This leads to documentation with gaps, inconsistencies, redundancies, mismanagement, and disorganization. Technical Content Delivery remains slow, ineffective, largely static, and outdated. Ineffectiveness in technical documentation will influence the user experience that further affects businesses.


Technical documentation tools should support delivering dynamic content beyond the current document context. Paradigm shift persists in shifting away from document-based product manuals into service-oriented technical documentation. Technical documentation software tools should comprise of features such as metadata models and modularization. Companies require novel methods of content management, content distribution, and content composition for implementation in the emerging market to enhance efficiency for their products and services.

List of pain points that influence technical documentation software industries to overcome:

  1. Obsolete content availability as existing technical documents are out-of-date
  2. Disorganized contents, which will cause discomfort to end users searching for relevant instructions
  3. Inconsistent contents with updated instructions at one place and not updated at other place leading to confusion
  4. No integration with technical support tools that leads to  increase manual workloads
  5. Lack of effectiveness with Agile framework
  6. No support for translation and localization features
  7. Lack of workflow integration


Solution for the challenges in technical documentation across industries involves identification of the modernized cloud-based technical documentation software. Based on the analysis of challenges at present scenario, market research is required on selecting the best technical documentation software that overcome these challenges.

MadCap Flare comprises seamless features to overcome the challenges that industries face today. MadCap Flare is a modern technical documentation software that has unlimited capabilities and possibilities for industries to manage technical documentation of product /service line businesses. It offers comprehensive functionality for document development life cycle that involves creating, reviewing, analyzing, and delivering modern technical documentation, knowledge management centers, self-support websites, and training content.

MadCap Flare Features

MadCap Flare remains a Game-Changer for technical documentation, as it comprises of features as follows:

  1. Advanced single-source publishing
  2. Multi-Channel content authoring
  3. Agile-based content delivery
  4. Integration Support with Technical Support tools
  5. Customized Workflow
  6. Localization and Translation Support

Why MadCap Flare is a game changer?

MadCap Flare is the best solution for overcoming current barriers in Technical Documentation for business with their features. These features make MadCap Flare as a game-changer in technical documentation. Let us know how these features overcome bottlenecks in the current scenario.

  • Advanced Single-Source Publishing

MadCap Flare offers this single-source publishing feature with elements such as master-project linking, topics, snippets, table of contents, variables, tags, glossary sets, targets, and conditions. This feature helps organization to deliver contents from a source to various ranges of media with low efforts in content creation and consistency management.

  • Multi-Channel Content Authoring

Organizations strive for publishing contents in various formats. Publishing similar contents in other formats is a time consuming task. MadCap Flare allows publishing content output to different forms such as print, responsive web, mobile, desktop, and other formats such as EPUB, MOBI, DITA, CHM, and much more. For generating different formats, MadCap Flare requires only a set of single source files. This feature provides extensive end user experience with content accessibility.

  • Agile-based Content Delivery

Managing technical contents along with the product development lifecycle is a challenging task. MadCap Flare provides integration with their product MadCap Central as cloud-based solution allowing users to manage tasks, schedule, workflows, and even automate processes. MadCap Flare keeps up pace with agile projects and processes for managing content delivery.

  • Integration Support with Technical Support Tools

MadCap Flare provides support for integrating with Technical support tools such as Zen Desk, Salesforce, and Servicenow with respective MadCap Connect plugins. With MadCap Flare, you can directly publish your single sourced technical contents to knowledge bases that you have created with technical support tools.

  • Customized Workflow

Managing technical contents with workflow is a crucial step in technical documentation. MadCap Flare provides integration with their product MadCap Central as cloud-based solution allowing users to create, manage, and customize workflow for documentation tasks.

  • Localization and Translation Support

MadCap Flare offers features of localization and translation workflow. MadCap Flare integrates with any standard or existing translation process with leading translation tools. MadCap Flare integrates with MadCap Lingo for translation and localization process.

Business Benefits

Numerous business benefits are possible with the use of MadCap Flare documentation software in the organization. Following are the business benefits that companies achieved with the implementation of MadCap Flare.

  • Improved Efficiency
  • Intuitive User Experience
  • Enhanced Navigation
  • Enriched Collaboration with Content Quality
  • Doubled productivity (2X) through Maximized Content Reuse
  • Optimize Web Experience
  • Large Scale Transition with Agile
  • Maximum ROI at low software costs

MadCap Flare suits for upcoming demands in technical documentation. By using MadCap Flare software as technical documentation tool, companies ensure their dynamic and effective technical content delivery with enhanced user experience.



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