Do you know ranking of India among global cyber threats?

 Do you know ranking of India among global cyber threats?

The vulnerability is increasing to its apex exponentially due to continual digital transformation in the internet age. As per the report from the cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab, India is ranked at position 12 among the global countries. From the months of July and September 2018, 32.8 % of users are vulnerable to cyber threats. Kaspersky Lab detected around 48,093,743 number of web-borne malware attacks. The main reason behind these attacks is money. As India is a developing nation with the largest population, is not affordable to vulnerabilities. India needs to be more secure and aware online to prevent such cyber attacks.


Though several methods are available for cyber attacks, the most probable method which involves vulnerability exploitation is the use of browsers and plugins. The malicious attack occurs only when the user visits the infected website without any notification or alert about the infected site. As per Kaspersky Lab, security against such vulnerabilities requires internet class solutions, which have the ability to detect the threats, being downloaded by the internet and automatic installation of the plugin updates in the browser, as per Kaspersky Lab. This method is familiar with cybercriminals.

The second most method of vulnerability is social engineering. Most of the Indians are affected by this method. In this methodology, the attack involves user participation followed by the download of an infected file to the host system. A Web anti-virus solution is required to monitor these attacks and infected files during download. As per the latest reports, the vulnerability in India is growing to its peaks and requires sophisticated security solutions to fight against cyber attacks and to stay ahead of the intruder activities.



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