Know about Documentation Standards

Documents are the records required as a mandatory component by the firms either in soft copy or hard copy and must be maintained as per the standards within the scope. Before moving to know about the documents and their standards, check the terms that are used in the document development.
- Objective – the purpose of the document
- Scope – identifying to whom and/or to what assets the standards and process apply
- Compliance – identifying the requirement to comply with the document and where to report non-compliance and to request exceptions
- Standard and Process – defining the rules by which the individuals or assets within the scope must adhere; the process provides greater detail on the standard by describing how the individuals or assets comply with the standard
- Document Owner – the contact for document content questions and document revisions
- Document Approver – one who reviews and approves the document after created by Document Owner/Author.
- Effective Date – Record the date when the document was implemented and enforced
- Last Reviewed Date – Record the date when the document was last reviewed for changes, updates, or document retirement
- Disclaimer Notice – statement denotes the notice about the confidentiality of the document