Five Strategies for HR Leaders to prepare for the Future of Work

 Five Strategies for HR Leaders to prepare for the Future of Work

Gartner reported that the Technology is transfiguring the way of people work and HR Leaders will serve a key role in making these changes. According to Gartner press release, only 9% of chief human resources conveyed their organization is prepared for the future of work.

As per Sage’s Changing the Face of HR report, technology influences the functionality of HR Professionals with 82% of HR leaders predicting their roles will be unrecognizable in 10 years. HR roles are fluctuating due to the implementation of technology in the working methodology, specifically with artificial intelligence. Brian Kroop, Vice President of Research at Gartner reported that by integrating technology, HR Professionals must consider about the usage of AI tools and how it influences the work place. Brian Kroop outlined five key strategies to help HR leaders drive their organizations toward success.

1. Establish an AI ethics strategy

Kropp revealed that AI remains the most helpful tool and the technology can lead to ethical concerns that HR must realize. Kropp also conveyed, there will be more decisions that are left up to AI and automation. He said that HR will have a new job in the near future, in addition to that of the current jobs. The new job is associated to the job focusing on the ethical steward of the firm. For example, collecting data from employees associated to improve employee experience. HR will have the job of deciding what kind of data to collect from employees.

2. Reassess how employees develop skills

HR Officers around 75% preferred building competencies and skills as the major task, however, technology leads to demand for new skillsets from the employees. Employee training categorizes under the role of HR that denotes HR must understand how technology influence change in the employees’ skills, Kropp revealed. Due to automation in the managerial tasks, the role of the manager changes.

3. Establish an internal transparency strategy

Kropp reported that the employees have a great desire about transparency from their employers. The employees want their employers to be more transparent. HR must promote transparency in the processes including hiring, onboard, routine work, employee engagement, and exit management, which will make employees happy, retain with company, and improve productivity as well.

4. Remediate the role of Managers

The conventional role of managers in HR department involves repeatable tasks such as preparing expense reports, monitoring dashboards, analyzing data, and preparing charts for insights, etc. Job of the manager is transforming at a pace due to automation. HR leaders must identify the management tasks that are to be automated and establish specific goals for managers and career paths.

5. Utilize AI to enhance job accessibility

Kropp said HR managers must address on AI and how it influences job accessibility to people with disabilities or mobility limitations due to disease or injury. By AI, it is possible to create rehabilitation devices, human robot interfaces to enhance job accessibility to people with disabilities. This type of AI implementation will bring new opportunities for HR to play proactively in enriching job accessibility to all workers.



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